26 July, 2008

Earn Money at Home

The PPC Marketing! by Joe Flips

Most people that have used the internet for a while and have a website will tell you that to get regular traffic quickly, pay per click is a tried and tested method. This is the system of choice owing to how successful it is compared to may other types currently available. If you haven't tried this before but have considered using pay per click then you may have some questions which will need to be addressed.

With very little effort, textual adverts are placed (sometimes with other companies) on other websites that get regular traffic. Providing the person who sees and clicks on your links stays for longer than ten seconds, the site they cam from gets paid from your account as a thank you. The only way this system works is by placing adverts on sites that have content relevant to what you are advertising, otherwise it would be a complete waste of time and money. For many people the benefit of only paying when the service is used i.e. when someone actually visits your site cannot be underestimated.

Unlike regular advertising which you pay for whether someone takes any notice or not, this way you pay for what gets used. In the early days it was often said that a competitor would try to deplete their competitors advertising budget by clicking on their link until they used it up but this rarely happens these days. From a business viewpoint, pay per click marketing is extremely effective at targeting the exact market the business wants. Your ad will only show up on sites where people are already interested in something related to what you are offering.

The whole process of Pay per Click Bid Management works like this – the user searches for a keyword on a popular search engine. Along with the search results advertisements on related search keywords are also been displayed on the search engine‘s page. The advertiser is paid whenever a user clicks on the advertisement (product, service or goods). If one has to pay an additional amount, it will mean that his advertisement is on the success list. Henceforth, it will be placed at a higher rank in the search bet results.Some helpful tips and practical guides:

1. Feel comfortable with them and the products/services they are selling. If you suspect them to be fly by nights you won't be able have enough trust and confidence to sell whatever they're carrying.

2. It has to match your site's audience. Like for my sites, I’m offering directory content and search engines, Google adsense is perfect for my site, and the other I have ad reporting perfect for it. Sites of the same products stick together.

3. Don't let greed colors your decisionIf it's a site that promotes illegally PUP (Potentially unlikable programs) like Trojans, spyware or virus then do it. Don't partner with them, better lose lots of money on this in the short term than in a long term.
This pay per click method is best illustrated with Google Ad words facility but this is not the only one. All that happens is people will only see your advert if they enter a search phrase or just a single word that you have designated Google to use. When you see the results page on entering your search term, you may see the advert at the top of Google results or on the right had column.

For many people, part of the appeal about pay per click marketing is the immediacy. Many companies use this technique to gauge how good their advertising copy will be before they use it in more expensive areas. Almost all top companies will use pay per click as part of their marketing structure because it is perceived as being the most effective.

Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips & hints, Points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques & insights pertaining to Google Ad sense, Do please browse for more information at our website :-http://www.adsense-income-exposed.comhttp://www.adsense.reprintarticlesite.com

Article Source: http://www.articlerich.com

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